Spiritual Organisations-AMOSS - Smiocbristol

Akhila Malankara Orthodox Shusrushaka Sangham (AMOSS)

Akhila Malankara Orthodox Shusrushaka Sangham or AMOSS aims to create awareness in the faith, tradition and practices in our Holy Qurbana, other sacraments and important days of Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church amongst our Acolytes.

An acolyte is one who is ordained to serve the clergy in the Holy Altar. He is in the place of angels who praise and serve God without ceasing. He is forever working towards the glorification of our Lord. A key principle an acolyte should adhere to while serving the altar is

I open my mouth O Lord to bless your holy name; I have cleansed my heart from all evil and distracting thoughts. Allow me to enlighten my understanding to inflame my will that I may serve you worthily at thy Holy Altar

AMOSS is a...

movement working on the following objectives:

  1. To give instructions to the altar boys of all parishes in the Malankara Church to make uniformity in the worship of the church and to serve systematically.
  2. To mould people who have God’s grace, dedication, who follow spiritual and sacramental life, and who have worldly experience to reside as servants in the sacramental service of the holy church.
  3. To train attendants to practice the holy church’s tradition and ritual service without any alteration and to perform it timely with all its meaning and value and to ordain and make them members of the church’s serving community.
  4. Annual conferences aiming in the upliftment and encouragement of youngsters as the altar boys. AMOSS have units in almost all parishes.

An acolyte upon entering the Holy Altar must recite this prayer;

In this house have I entered O God and before thy throne have I worshipped O heavenly King, forgive me all the sins that I have committed against thee.

He also helps with the arrangements for a solemn and holy worship and supports the priest to make the Holy Qurbana inspirational, melodious, attractive, effective and rewarding for the attending members.

AMOSS InaugrationAMOSS was formed in our church soon after the newly formed AMOSS of the Diocese of UK, Europe and Africa in the year 2017. Our Diocesan Bishop HG. Dr Mathews Mar Thimothios Metropolitan as the AMOSS President of the Diocese, appointed Fr. Mathew Abraham our then serving Vicar and our church member priest as the Vice President of AMOSS in that year. In May 2017, our church members proudly hosted the first AMOSS General Meeting of Acolytes members for the Diocese at our church premises. Senior and junior acolyte members from all churches in the UK attended this General Meeting.

A milestone for our Church was recorded in 2017 when through the enthusiasm of Fr. Mathew Abraham together with the perseverance of one of our senior acolyte members of our church Mr. Abraham Koshy Mathew, compiled and published the first Acolyte’s Hand Book for the use of all acolyte members in the Diocese. The book was presented and inaugurated by our Diocesan Bishop at the General Meeting of the Acolytes.

As a church of nearly 85 members, we have dedicated acolyte members serving in our church altar. We are proud to have between 15 to 20 acolyte members serving our church. On any Sunday ,we have 8 to 10 acolytes and during feast, festivals and holy week days we are able to come together in larger numbers of up to 18 serving in the altar. The strength of AMOSS in our church emulates how blessed we are as a Church and its members.

The younger generation are learning our faith and order in Sunday school. As an Acolyte learning and memorising the order of worship of the Holy Qurbana and other sacraments, practising and learning the tunes and songs are important. Our senior acolytes are always at hand to tutor and explain the routines in the Holy Altar to our younger generation.

Our Church through the use of social media communicates with the Acolytes about necessary information of AMOSS in general and about special feast and festivals. Also, we pronounce the importance of the upcoming Sundays and the lectionary of that particular Sunday. We also circulate spiritual messages to all AMOSS members to enrich their knowledge in our faith.

Along with prayers of St. Mary, our church’s patron Saint, we pray that this journey of our Acolytes through AMOSS in our church will flourish to work and glorify our Lord as they serve in the altar.