The Malankara Orthodox Syrian church is proud of its worshipping heritage and is considered as a vital and valued part of its faith. Through worship the faith, tradition and practice of our church fathers are passed down to generations. The west Syrian form of worship, language and music was introduced to the church in the latter half of the 19thcentury and is still used. Liturgical music has been passed down through oral traditions with many teachers adding their own specialities of singing to their teachings creating an increase in the number of variations that is being learnt and used by many.
St Mary’s Indian Orthodox church of Bristol under the diocese UK, Europe and Africa, currently holds up to 15 choir members which includes 3 keyboardists. Our choir services sing and lead the congregation on every Sunday for the holy liturgy as well as Perunal services, Christmas programs and other occasions.
We as a choir group take pride in representing our church at the Ecumenical service conducted every year. As we continue to lead the congregation with the passion to praise God through ours hymns and worship, we seek God’s strength and guidance to be with us at all times.
Colossians 3:16 ‘Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs with thankfulness in your hearts to God.’