Spiritual Organisations-MMVS - Smiocbristol

Marth Mariam Vanitha Samajam (Women’s Wing of the Indian Orthodox Church)

1 Corinthians 11:12 - "For as woman came from man, so also man is born of woman. But everything comes from God".

Marth Mariam Vanitha Samajam (MMVS) is the Women’s wing of the Indian Orthodox Church. It is one of the major spiritual organization of the church combining all the female members. It is spread throughout the world and functions in all the Dioceses and parishes of the church. The organization was founded mainly aimed at the spiritual progress of women.

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The motto of MMVS is “Pray, Act and Shine.” Jesus taught us to pray, asked us to help the needy and called us to be the “light of the world”. As Samajam members try to follow that in their daily life.

MMVS has an integral role in the growth of St. Mary’s Indian Orthodox Church. May the intercession of St. Mary be a stronghold for all of us. MMVS at SMIOC Bristol is a vibrant association of women and mainly aims at the spiritual growth of women. Currently, MMVS meets every Wednesday under the leadership of the Vicar. The main focus of the MMVS meeting is on Bible Reading/Study and Spiritual Message by Vicar. MMVS also raises funds for the Church by conducting food sales etc.