Easter Service - Smiocbristol

Easter Service

Event Details


18:30 - 21:00 hrs

St. Marys Indian Orthodox Church

1B Bank Rd, Pilning, Bristol BS35 4JG

Christ is Risen! Indeed he is Risen!

We will be celebrating Easter service on the evening of 16th April 2022

In Christ’s Resurrection, let’s think of three main aspects. (1) Before Crucifixion and Resurrection, Our Lord Jesus Christ was a teacher and a shepherd (2) During Crucifixion until Resurrection, He was a reconciliatory and a liberator (3) After Resurrection, our Lord Jesus Christ was present and became a companion to every man. As we celebrate this joyous Resurrection, we greet and embrace one another in Christ, thereby demonstrating our Savior's victory over death and corruption, and the destruction of our ancient enmity with God, and His reconciliation toward us, and our inheritance of life everlasting.

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