Church Perunnal - Remembering the Theotokos - Smiocbristol

Church Perunnal - Remembering the Theotokos

Event Details



St. Marys Indian Orthodox Church

We are celebrating our church perunnal on 14th and 15th Aug 2021 remembering St. Mary the God bearer and seeking her intercession for the wellbeing of humanity.

The Syrian Orthodox Church observes the sacred Fast of the Assumption of Saint Mary from the 1st of August for 15 days and concludes with the celebration of the Assumption Feast on the 15th.

14th Aug 2021 - Evening Prayer at 7:00pm followed by devotional speech and candle light prayer
15th Aug 2021 - Holy Qurbana followed by Benediction and Nercha.

We request everyone's prayerful presence and let the perunnal be a blessing to all of us. Let us join with the Angels who extolled her as the one who received Grace from God and with Elizabeth to praise her as the blessed among the women.

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