“Behold , a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel”(Isa.7:14 Ne17:14)
The Holy Syrian Orthodox Church observes the sacred Fast of the Assumption of Saint Mary from the 1st of August for 15 days and concludes with the celebration of the Assumption Feast on the 15th. Saint Mary is the Blessed Mother of our Lord Jesus Christ, who was chosen by the Almighty, according to the divine commandment made at the Garden of Eden. Redemption from the aberration of sin is made possible by the blood of the unblemished Lamb.
Saint Mary gave birth to that unblemished Son of God, the Virgin Eve Lamb, who crushed the head of the arch enemy, Satan. This made her to be the, God Bearer, and the Second Eve. The first Eve brought disobedience and caused sin to overpower the creation, whereas Saint Mary’s absolute submission to the Will of God brought forth eternal salvation to the world. “I am the Lord's servant," Mary answered. "May it be to me as you have said." Then the angel left her”. Luke 1:38. This unique obedience and unparallel forbearance to uphold the Divine Will has brought about the Redemption of the sinful humanity.
It is worth mentioning here that the Holy Syrian Orthodox Church does not believe in the immaculate birth of Saint Mary. All humans are born with the original sin and one of the divine mercies that we receive through the Sacrament of Holy Baptism is the grace that wipes away the blemishes/stain of the original sin. That is the reason why the Feast of the Assumption has been given more importance by the Holy Church than to the feast of the birth of Saint Mary.
Excitement builds as we prepare for the Talent Event 2025, showcasing the incredible talents of our Sunday School children to glorify God!
Lazarus’ Saturday, we remember how our Lord Jesus Christ raised His friend Lazarus from the dead.
Palm Sunday is the Sunday before Easter that marks the beginning of Holy Week, the holiest of weeks, in which the most important moments of Christ's life take place, which includes the suffering and torture.
We remember the last supper Jesus Christ shared with his disciples and while doing so we are in the upper room with Jesus and the Apostles.