Koodhosh Eetho (Sanctification) - Smiocbristol

Koodhosh Eetho (Sanctification)

“You yourselves like living stones are built up as a spiritual house, to be a holy priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ” (1 Peter2:5)

The first period of our liturgical year begins at the end of October or at the beginning of November, on the Sunday between October 30th and November 5th. It is the beginning of the Orthodox Church calendar. This Sunday is called Koodhosh-Eetho Sunday. It means to “sanctify or purify the church.

A temple is the abode of God and therefore it must be holy. Here St. Paul reminds us all that individual believers and the collective body of believers is the members of Christ’s body. As individuals and as a body of believers, we have to examine our lives and mission. Where are we with our mission? Christ did not send us to the world to make enemies but to make friends and disciples. Our mission is not political but moral and spiritual. Historically Churches have succeeded to make followers (employing party spirit by force or by mission) but have failed to make disciples. We have been fighting for temporal and personal powers or for recognition. It is high time that we pause for a moment and contemplate on our special calling.

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Koodhosh Eetho (Sanctification)

The first period of our liturgical year begins at the end of October or at the beginning of November, on the Sunday between October 30th and November 5th. It is the beginning of the Orthodox Church calendar. This Sunday is called Koodhosh-Eetho Sunday. It means to “sanctify or purify the church.