New year, New Me! - Smiocbristol

New year, New Me!

New years for most Christians hold nowhere near the biblical significance that Christmas has, but this does not mean that Christians cannot use this time wisely to spiritually better ourselves. During the course of 2020, there may have been a mix of delight and disappointment. As well as personal goals met and personal goals that didn’t quite reach the mark. As the new year is fast approaching, it would be wise to put the events that unfolded in 2020 behind us and reflect from a Christian standpoint on the things that went well and the things that require more spiritual growth. Here are some suggestions as to what Christians can do to prepare for the turn of the calendar.

People are not perfect, and it is this imperfection that reminds us we are only human. This imperfection gives way to sin. Starting of the new year with repentance and confession can lead to an even stronger and a more intimate relationship with God.

It is written in the book of Acts (chapter 2, verse 38):“Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit”.

This gift could be the great sense of relief and happiness one gets after confession. After all, it is a good idea to begin a new journey and plan new adventures for 2021 by cleansing the specs of darkness in our hearts from 2020, with the light of the holy spirit.

We hear the phrase “new year resolution”, being thrown around by people during New Year’s Eve or New Year’s Day. This often tends to gravitate towards developing new skills or setting new personal goals. But, before we think about acquiring new commitments, we should think about renewing our old commitments. New year’s is a good time for Christians to renew their core existing commitments such as family, marriage and our church. It is vital to create a culture of godly grace and goodness within the walls of our homes. This can be done by loving each of our family members and living a family life that is in tune with the words of the scripture and the will of god. A family that prays together stays together and untouched by the wicked. It is also vital for Christian to renew their commitment to their local church for the new year. Our Local church is the lynchpin of our Christian beliefs. It is where we gather as a community (in the presence of God) to declare our belief in the one true god and where we can carry out acts of charity to help those in need within our local community.

Last but not least of the suggestions is to rest as part of the preparation for the coming new year. Contrary to popular belief, rest is not a sign of weakness or idleness. Rest is a sign of spiritual strength. When we take rest and heal from the physical toll and the mental fatigue that the current year has taken upon us, we think more clearly and concisely about what God’s will for our future beholds and think about the clearest path to get to the destination that God has prepared for us.

As we make our plans for the new year, it is important to remember that God’s love for us does not depend on the level of our success or failure to meet our goals. However, when we do make our plans, make the effort to trust and acknowledge God in those plans.

As it is written in the book of Proverbs (Chapter 3, verse 6) “In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths”.

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